Quick Start
How to Sign-up
Sign-Up Instructions
- Navigate to https://portal.scs.startale.com/sign-up.
- You can sign up using one of the following methods:
- GitHub account verification
- Google account authentication
- Email address authentication
- Email Authentication:
- If you choose email authentication, an authentication code will be sent to your email address.
- Enter the verification code to complete the authentication process.
Registration Process
- Once you’ve signed in, create a team to get started.
What is a team?
We offer a feature called "Team" for managing and administering projects in collaboration with team members.
Each user is required to create or join a team during the sign-up process.
For instructions on inviting team members, see [How to invite team members].
- Select the number of team members and the type of service you plan to create.

- Click the Create Team button to finish the sign-up process.
- Once the sign-up is complete, you can see https://portal.scs.startale.com/node-rpc.
Welcome to Startale Cloud Services—we’re glad to have you on board!

How to issue the API Key for accessing the Node RPC endpoint
- Go to the RPC endpoints page

- Click the Create new RPC endpoint button.
- Configure the settings for the endpoint you want to create:
- First, select a Chain from the Select a Chain dropdown.
- Next, choose the desired Network.
- Add a name for the endpoint and an optional description to describe its purpose.

- Click the Create new RPC endpoint button to finalize the setup. Your new RPC endpoint has now been successfully created!

How to test the API Endpoints
- First, Check your API Key.
The API Key can be accessed from both the RPC endpoints page and the Detail page.
Checking from the RPC endpoints page
- On the RPC endpoints page, click the API Key button to view the API Key.

Checking from the Detail Page
- From the RPC endpoints page, click the Detail button to navigate to the Detail page.

- On the Detail page, click the Your endpoint button, highlighted by the red frame in the image.

- The API Key will be displayed for confirmation.

Executing the Node RPC Endpoint with TypeScript
- As an example, execute the Soneium Minato Node RPC endpoint:
const API_URL = "https://soneium-minato.rpc.scs.startale.com"; // If Astar or AstarZK is used, this should also be changed.
const API_KEY = "YOUR_API_KEY"; // // Replace with your Node RPC API Key.
// RPC request payload
const payload = {
id: 1,
jsonrpc: "2.0",
method: "eth_blockNumber",
async function getBlockNumber() {
const response = await fetch(`${API_URL}?apikey=${API_KEY}`, {
method: "POST",
headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify(payload),
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`);
const data = await response.json();
console.log(`Latest block number: ${parseInt(data.result, 16)}`);
// Execute the function
- Run it using Node.js.
npx tsc index.ts
node index.ts
- The console should display the latest block number.
Latest block number: 4745445
- Congratulations!
You have successfully sent your first request to the SCS Node RPC API Endpoint.
How to check the status
- On the RPC endpoints page, click the Detail button for the desired endpoint to navigate to the Detail page.
- You can view the endpoint's current status on this page.

How to invite team members
Access Team Management:
Refer to the image. The Your Team Name in the red frame on the sidebar indicates the team you belong to.
Click on the Your Team Name button.
Click Setting to go to the team management page.
Invite Users:
On the team management page, click the Invite Users button in the header.
Enter the email addresses of the users you want to invite and assign their roles.
Click the Send button to send invitation emails.
Invitation Status:
Invited users will show a Pending status until they accept.
User Acceptance:
The invited users can join the team by checking their email and accepting the invitation.
Updated 19 days ago